Return to Observation Practice Videos
- Read Background.
- Watch video and record observations on Watch Me Grow worksheet.
- See which measures we think are reflected by the evidence!
- Explore additional information from the California Preschool Curriculum Framework and/or California Preschool Learning Foundations.
1. Video Background and Transcript
Two girls who attend a mixed age, dual immersion preschool classroom in a central coast town are playing outside with very large interlocking blocks. The girls are working together to create a structure they can sit on. The little girl with the pigtails is taking the lead and as play progresses the other little girl begins to offer help. When the blocks are stuck together, they problem-solve together on how to pull them apart. The girls
also help one another by each one holding one side and carrying them to the structure. Transcript
2. Watch Video: Building blocks outside (1 min. 16 sec)
3. Measures Reflected by the Evidence
A good piece of evidence might address multiple measures. Rather than assigning a developmental level, this video clip could be evidence for the measures listed on this chart: Measures Reflected by the Evidence - Building Blocks Outside
4. Explore California’s Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1, and California’s Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2, for additional information about:
Volume 1:
- Interactions and strategies to support cooperative play - Volume 1, pages 66-67
- Environment and materials to support cooperative play - Volume 1, page 43-44 and page 68
- A vignette of what cooperative play might look like in the classroom - Volume 1, pages 69 & 73
Environment and materials to support Expression of self through language and Language in
conversation - Volume 1, pages 103-108 - A vignette of What it might look like in the classroom - Volume 1, pages 111-112
Interactions and strategies to support Expression of self through language and Language in
conversation - Volume 1, pages 115-121 - Environment and materials to support English language development - Volume 1, pages 198-201
- Supporting problem solving and engagement and persistence - See 5.0 Initiative in Learning, Interactions and Strategies, Volume 1, pages 57-59
Volume 2:
- Interactions and strategies to support balance - Volume 2, pages 142-143
Environment and materials to support balance: Post pictures of balance positions and balance
activities, Volume 2, page 142-143; Use visual aids, foot and handprints, and objects on the floor to promote balancing skills, Volume 2, page 146 - A vignette of What balance might look like in the classroom - Volume 2, pages144-145
- Interactions and strategies to support balance- Volume 2, pages 66-67
Supporting cooperative play and shared use of space - Volume 2, pages 57-59 and Volume 2,
pages 65-68