Program Self-Evaluation

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Child Care and Development Division (CCDD), and the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education Division (EED) provide guidance for child care and development programs on the submission requirements for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) and a list of all the required documents to be maintained onsite by contract type.

Child Care & Development Division Updates

Reminder:  Fiscal Year (FY) 23-24 Program Self-Evaluation (PSE)


Child Care Bulletin

Child Care Bulletin (CCB) NO. 24-03 describes the requirements for the Program Self Evaluation (PSE) for Child Care and Development Programs that have contracts with the Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) at the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The bulletin provides guidance on the submission requirements for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 PSE and a list of all the required documents to be maintained onsite by contract type.

CDSS Program Integrity Monitoring Tool

To satisfy the PSE submission requirements per 5 CCR sections 18279(b)(1) and (c), child care and development contractors will complete a survey using the CDSS Program Integrity Monitoring Tool.

Child Care and Development Division (CDSS) Resources for CDSS Programs

Additional Instructions

  • EED Form 3900 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Developmental Profile for The Classroom and Family Child Care Home Level – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4002 (DOCX) Instructions for Environment Rating Scales – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4003 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Parent Survey – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4004 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Developmental Profile – Summary of Findings

For questions or additional guidance regarding the PSE, please contact your assigned CCDD Program Quality and Improvement (PQI) Assigned Consultant.

Management Bulletin

CDE Management Bulletin 24-02: Notifies and provides guidance to California State Preschool Program Contractors about requirements for the fiscal year 2023–24 Program Self-Evaluation

PSE Survey

CSPP contractors shall submit the FY 2023-24 PSE to the CDE by completing only one of the following two surveys at

Program Self-Evaluation Survey Instructions (DOCX) Word Document for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Program Self-Evaluation Survey - For instruction purposes only. This form is not submitted to the CDE.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQs for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Program Self-Evaluation Survey

PSE Webinar

CDE will conduct a webinar on April 17, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to explain the PSE process step by step. Join the Zoom webinar here using passcode 231050.

Program Instrument

Program Instrument(PDF) 2023-24 Early Education Program Instrument

Additional Instructions

  • EED Form 3900 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Developmental Profile for The Classroom and Family Child Care Home Level – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4002 (DOCX) Instructions for Environment Rating Scales – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4003 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Parent Survey – Summary of Findings
  • EED Form 4004 (DOCX) Instructions for Desired Results Developmental Profile – Summary of Findings

For questions or additional guidance regarding the PSE, please contact your assigned CCDD Program Quality and Improvement (PQI) Assigned Consultant.

Forms are also available on the CDE website: