Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Toddler Washes Hands


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Measure 2

Responsiveness to Language

language and literacy development 2

Child communicates or acts in response to language and responds to increasingly complex language

View the DRDP measure LLD 2 and read the descriptor and examples for Building Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Building Earlier level. Amber responds to one-step requests, such as, “Can you rub your hands together?” and “Can you get your other hand wet?”

Measure 1

Perceptual- Motor Skills
And Movement Concepts

physical development health measure 2

Child moves body and interacts with environment with the environment, demonstrating increasing awareness of own physical effort, body awareness, spatial awareness, and directional awareness

View the DRDP measure PD-HLTH 1 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring  Earlier.

This video could be an example of the Exploring Earlier level. Amber repositions her body in order to get her other hand wet.
Measure 4

Fine Motor Manipulative Skillsphysical development measure 4
Child demonstrates increasing precision, strength, coordination, and efficiency when using muscles of the hand for play and functional tasks

View the DRDP measure PD-HLTH 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier Level. Amber turns the water on and off by grasping the faucet handle with her fingers and palm.