Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Toddler Explores Books


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Reciprocal Communication and Conversation


Child engages in back- and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations

View the I/T DRDP Measure LLD 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Responding Later.

This video could be evidence for the Responding Later level. Christy appears to seek contact with a familiar adult by making eye contact and repeatedly handing books to her. When the teacher holds out her palm, Christy taps it with her pointer finger (same way she taps book pictures).

Measure 3

Relationships & Social Interactions with Familiar Adults

 Social emotional development measure 3

Child develops close relationships with one or more familiar adults…and interacts in an increasingly competent and cooperative manner with familiar adults.

View the I/T DRDP Measure SED 3 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level. Christy interacts in simple ways with her teacher and tries to maintain the interaction by continuing to hand books to her.