Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Math


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Reciprocal Communication and Conversation


Child engages in back-and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations

Select measure LLD 4 and read the descriptors and examples for Building Later.

This video might be evidence for Building Later. The boy is engaging in a conversation with the adult about the pegs. He responds to each of her questions. He also clarifies comments when he says, “This one is two of. I made two ones like these two and two.”

Number Sense of Quantity

COG 3	Number Sense of Quantity

Child shows developing understanding of number and quantity

Select measure COG 3 and read the descriptors and examples for Building Earlier.

This video might be evidence for Building Earlier because he is able to identify without counting 2 pegs “I made two ones like these two and two.”  He also points to the 1 board and says “this one has 1.”

Fine Motor Manipulative Skills

PD-HLTH 4 Fine Motor Manipulative Skills

Child demonstrates increasing precision, strength, coordination, and efficiency when using muscles of the hand for play and functional tasks

Select measure PD-HLTH 4 and read the descriptors and examples for Building Middle.

This video might be evidence for Building Middle. The child is using both hands to manipulate the pegs and boards. Often each hand is doing a different movement. (He holds the pegs with one hand and puts a peg into the board with the other, and he takes out the board with one hand and holds a peg with the other.)