Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Infant Explores Toy and Puzzle


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Attention Maintenance

 Approaches to Learning–Self-Regulation 1

Child develops the capacity to pay attention to people, things, or the environment when interacting with others or exploring play materials

View the I/T DRDP Measure ATL-REG 1 and read the descriptor and examples for Responding Later.

This video could be evidence for the Responding Later level when the child starts to go after the toy that rolled away and then shifts his attention to the puzzle knob he encounters in front of him.

Curiosity and initiative in learning

ATL-Reg 4 curiosity in learning

Child explores the environment in increasingly focused ways to learn about people, things, materials, and events

View the I/T DRDP Measure ATL-REG 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level. The child explores the objects in his immediate environment – first the shaker block and then the puzzle pieces.

Measure 1
Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts

pd health 1

Child moves body and interacts with environment with the environment, demonstrating increasing awareness of own physical effort, body awareness, spatial awareness, and directional awareness

View the I/T DRDP Measure PD-HLTH 1 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be an example of the Exploring Earlier level. The child shifts and repositions his body to stabilize it to crawl to the block that rolled away. When he feels the puzzle under his hand, he stops and repositions his body again to sit down and pick up the knobbed puzzle piece.