ATL-REG Measure 5

Definition: Child explores the environment in increasingly focused ways to learn about people, things, materials, and events

View ATL-REG Measure 4

Select a developmental level below to view a video example.

Responding Earlier

Responds to people, things, or sounds

Responding Later

Notices new or unexpected characteristics or actions of people or things

Exploring Earlier

Explores people or things in the immediate environment

Exploring Later

Explores new ways to use familiar things,
including simple trial and error


Building Earlier

Explores through simple observations, or manipulations, or asking simple questions


Building Middle

Explores by engaging in specific observations, manipulations, or by asking specific questions


Building Later

Carries out simple investigations using
familiar strategies, tools, or sources of


Integrating Earlier

Carries out multi-step investigations, using
a variety of strategies, tools, or sources of